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shays rebellion was significant because it demonstrated

Test Prep. Shays's Rebellion (1786-87) was a protest and revolt against Massachusetts. b) controversies . A. The Whiskey Rebellion started because the Federal Government needed money. Shay's Rebellion alarmed the government because they were afraid a civil war would erupt. Why was Shays' Rebellion important? By Staff Writer Last Updated March 27, 2020 Shays' Rebellion exposed the imperfections of political, social and economic life in post-Revolutionary Massachusetts and the United States more broadly. With regard . For many, the rebellion symbolized a fatal weakness of the national government under the Articles of Confederation. One of the United States' first major challenges as a new nation started the same way. 25 Questions Show answers. b) controversies . D) to some influential Americans the need for a stronger central government. Shays and his followers helped make the country aware of the ever-growing problems people demonstrated the weaknesses of the government under the Articles of Confederation. provided the background to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in 1775. demonstrated the opposition of the Anti-Federalists to the Constitution. The economic…. A gave the U.S. militia a chance to demonstrate its efficiency B raised doubts about the ability of a decentral ized government to deal with civil unrest C opened the door to westward expansion D united farmers against Native Americans E allowed former Revolutionary War officers to take up arms again Answer (1 of 4): A2A: The most important was the Philadelphia Mutiny: In June of 1783, Pennsylvania's government refused to provide militia to protect the Continental Congress (which was holed up in Independence Hall there) from 500 Continental Army mutineers who had seized the local garrison and. Shays' Rebellion was a series of armed protests staged in 1786 by farmers in western Massachusetts against repressive debt and property tax collection practices. Significance of Shays' Rebellion The specter of Shays' Rebellion informed the debate over the framing of a new U.S. Constitution, providing fuel to Alexander Hamilton and other Federalists who advocated for a strong federal government and diminished states' rights. APUSH Chapter 12 Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: a) that land distribution policies were out of date. Shays' Rebellion. The Revolutionary War began with a rebellion in Massachusetts. Wiki User. Shays' Rebellion was significant because it A) shifted the balance of power from free states to the slave states. Shays rebellion was significant because it demonstrated the need for a stronger central government What qualifications did the Constitution ratified in 1787 impose for voting. It replaced the Articles of . Protestors waved banners that proclaimed the French revolution slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity . The farmers rebelled by blocking judges from entering their courthouses and petitioning the government. Shay's Rebellion. Literature Study Guides. 01/23/2020 History High School answered Shays' Rebellion was significant because it A) shifted the balance of power from free states to the slave states. Shays was pardoned the following year. B) demonstrate. However, Shay's rebellion demonstrated the weakness of the articles of confederation, and the whiskey rebellion showed the strength of the new national government. Answer (1 of 5): In short it showed the American government that the articles of confederation were weak and that congress needed to draft a stronger constitution. Daniel Shays led the rebellion. How did the . The government gave most powers to the states, and the central government consisted only of a legislature. c. that controversies over the emancipation of slaves could turn violent. . rights were increasing for white Americans. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams . Shays' Rebellion was significant because it: answer choices . Shayss Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated a that land. C. It demonstrated how unstable the new state governments were. Shays Rebellion was the first major armed rebellion in the post-Revolution United States. 10) The Whiskey Rebellion was significant because it showed that the government was willing and able to suppress oppositions with military force. Since the yeoman farmers were unable to pay the debt the creditors took away the property the farmers owned. C) provided the background to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in 1775. shays rebellion was significant because it demonstrated Four thousand people signed confessions acknowledging participation in the events of the rebellion in exchange for amnesty. B) demonstrated the opposition of the Anti-Federalists to the Constitution. History, 10.05.2021 05:00, ashlynsofia Shays rebellion was significant because it E) the chaotic nature of Indian policy after the Battle of Fallen Timbers. In exchange for immediate amnesty from prosecution, some 4,000 individuals signed confessions acknowledging their participation in the Rebellion. The rebellion is important because it is seen as one of the major factors that led to the. Tags: Question 8 . Download as PDF Printable version. The leaders that realized this problem were George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. The Constitution explicitly granted Congress . Copy. State authorities took notice once the rebel farmers began to close the courts. Even though Shays's Rebellion did not end as they wanted, it clearly demonstrated the flaws of the government under the Articles of Confederation, which was made up of a single legislative, no chief executive, or judicial system. -Shays's Rebellion encouraged Congress to adopt the Annapolis resolution and commit to revising the Articles of Confederation in Philadelphia. Shays' Rebellion in 1786 is significant because it raised doubts about the ability of a decentral ized government to deal with civil unrest. B) demonstrate . What did Shays Rebellion demonstrate? America emerged from the Revolutionary War in 1783, victorious and independent but very weak and pretty much broke. 2 . C. It demonstrated how unstable the new state governments were. This rebellion was led by a veteran from the American Revolutionary War, Daniel Shays, which was why this significant rebellion is called Shays's Rebellion. The rebellion stemmed from a post-Revolutionary War depression and a shortage of hard money that left western farmers in danger of losing their land to foreclosures as a result of their failure to pay debts and taxes. asked Dec 20, 2019 in Important Questions by megha00 Expert . e. the . Shay's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated. Shays ' Rebellion was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts and Worcester in response to a debt crisis among the citizenry and in opposition to the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades; the fight took place mostly in and around Springfield during 1786 and 1787. He was known as the man who removed the judges from the highest court in the state. shays rebellion was significant because it demonstrated. c) provided the background to the outbreak of the revolutionary war in 1775. d) demonstrated the weaknesses of the government under the articles of confederation. Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: A) that land distribution policies were out of date. They fixed this problem by starting the drafting of The Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The fight took place mostly in and around Springfield during 1786 and 1787. Shays' Rebellion did not succeed. Shays Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated what? Historians often cite Shays's Rebellion (1786-1787) as a significant event in U.S. history because it A. demonstrated the strength, yet fairness, of the newly created federal government B. made many Americans realize that slavery could not last C. made Americans realize that excessive taxation often leads to violence D. demonstrated the weakness of the federal government under the Articles . The Anti-Federalist James Winthrop argued that a bill of rights was necessary in the Constitution because: it would secure the minority against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority. It was there that Shays emerged as a leader of the farmers' cause. 1 answer. Daniel Shays, a former Revolutionary War soldier, was a . c) that Congress's attempts to pass pro-debtor laws were unpopular with farmers. Shays' Rebellion underscored weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution. Shays's Rebellion proved that the federal government needed a way to provide for its soldiers' well-being and to create a stable system of taxation. The Massachusetts Assembly raised taxes in 1786, ignoring these economic realities and this resulted in a farmers rebellion led by Daniel Shays. A. Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: a. that Congress's attempts to pass pro-debtor laws were unpopular with farmers. This convention became known as the first Constitutional Convention of 1787. shays rebellion was significant because it demonstrated There was no paper money in circulation and no gold or silver to be accessed by the farmers to settle these debts. Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: A) that land distribution policies were out of date. Correct answers: 1 question: Shays' rebellion was significant because it a) shifted the balance of power from free states to the slave states. Social Studies. b) controversies over the emancipation of slaves could turn violent. Register; Studyrankersonline. What was the outcome of the Stono Rebellion? The rebellion was named after Daniel Shays a veteran of the American Revolutionary War and one of the rebel leaders. Shays's rebellion is significant because he started a rebellion at the wrong time and this could have cause a collapse in government . Federalism . c. the chaotic nature of Indian policy after the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Shayss Rebellion demonstrated a. The government, however, portrayed Shays as a villain rather than a rebellious farmer. Remember. It proved that citizens should get to vote on new taxes. What did Shays rebellion demonstrated to most Americans? Citizens united timeline | Timetoast timelines (Cornelia Castro) Shays' Rebellion demonstrated that the government at the time was not able to protect property rights. Shays' Rebellion in 1786 is significant because it _____. 6. Shays' Rebellion. Shay's Rebellion was an important conflict . asked Apr 19 in Other by gaurav96 Expert (68.9k points) Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: Please . C) provided the background to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in 1775. Those people most opposed to President James K. Polk's expansionist program were the 900 seconds. History. Shays's Rebellion was a revolt led by Daniel Shays in Massachusetts over the issue of the foreclosure of farms due to economic issues in the state and nationwide. See Answer. A. demonstrated the strength, yet fairness, of the newly created federal government. the need for a stronger central government. Shays Rebellion was the first major armed rebellion in the post-Revolution United States. School Columbia College; Course Title HIST 121; Type. Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: a) that land distribution policies were out of date. The New England Quarterly. Historians are divided on the impact the rebellion had on the ratification debates Veterans had received little pay during the war . B. made many Americans realize that slavery could not last. 1 answer. Historians often cite Shays's Rebellion (1786-1787) as a significant event in U.S. history because it. In January 1787, Governor Bowdoin hired his own army, privately funded by Boston businessmen. D) demonstrated the weaknesses of the government under the Articles of Confederation. d. that controversies over the emancipation of slaves could turn violent. SURVEY. Shay's Rebellion brought a massive change to the government. asked Apr 12 in Other by gaurav96 Expert (68.9k points) 0 votes. Shay's Rebellion was significant because it a. demonstrated the need for higher pay in the local militias. d. that land distribution policies were out of date. D. It highlighted the need for revision of the Articles of Confederation. The tax had cut demand for the corn whiskey the farmers distilled and bartered. Shays ' Rebellion was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts and Worcester in response to a debt crisis among the citizenry and in opposition to the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades. Bacon's Rebellion was a thousand Virginians who rose up against the rule of Virginia Governor William Berkeley. Shays's rebellion was significant because it demonstrated:. Correct answers: 2 question: Shays' rebellion was significant because it a) shifted the balance of power from free states to the slave states. d the opposition of the Anti-Federalists to the Constitution. Shayss Rebellion also proved that the Articles. Johanna is responsible for setting goals and planning at a medium-sized company. Berkeley had recently refused to . Which of the following is true of the Virginia Plan? | Certified Educator Shays's Rebellion was a rebellion among farmers in Massachusetts that began in 1786. Pages 17 Ratings 89% (19) 17 out of 19 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 14 - 17 out of 17 pages. Shay's Rebellion showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. SURVEY . The case of Lochner v. New York represented a setback for progressives and labor advocates because the Supreme Court in its ruling. Thomas Jefferson believed that any rebellion was a good thing because it helped to protect the people's liberty and limit the power of the government. Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: asked Dec 31, 2020 in History by glossyjam. The event produced few casualties, but it was significant. Q. -Shays's Rebellion demonstrated that the national government was too weak to respond to a crisis, leading to the Philadelphia Convention. Answer Comment . b. that Congress's attempts to pass pro-debtor laws were unpopular with farmers. The new legislature placed a moratorium on debts and cut taxes, easing the economic burden the rebels were struggling to overcome. The New Jersey Plan: Was mainly supported by . The rebellion took place in Northampton, Massachusetts in 1786 under the leadership of voter and discontented Massachusetts citizen Daniel Shays. Shays's […] Shays and his men did it in a fairly violent way, but none the less, they were expressing their rights as American Citizens to protest the unfair treatment that they were getting. d the opposition of the Anti-Federalists to the Constitution. B) controversies over the emancipation of slaves could turn violent. After the American Revolution farmers throughout Massachusetts (and elsewhere in the newly created United States) were deep in debt and the country experienced a period of high inflation. BAby thesis!!!! shays's rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: asked Apr 19 in Other by gaurav96 Expert (68.9k points) 0 votes. Study now. elimin Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: Login. What were the two significant effects of Shays Rebellion? Toussaint L'Ouveture led a slave revolt that eventually created which nation. Shays' Rebellion was put down on January 25, 1787, when Lincoln's army intercepted and defeated Shays and nearly 1500 Regulators as they attempted to seize the federal arsenal in Springfield. Aftermath of Shays' Rebellion By the summer of 1787, many participants in the rebellion received pardons from newly-elected Governor John Hancock. Shays's Rebellion was significant because it demonstrated: . B) that controversies over the emancipation of slaves could turn violent. E) the chaotic nature of Indian policy after the Battle . Elimin. D) demonstrated the weaknesses of the government under the Articles of Confederation. b. the need for a stronger central government. Shays' Rebellion important is important because: It highlighted the need for revision of the Articles of . B) demonstrated the opposition of the Anti-Federalists to the Constitution. D) the need for a stronger central government. C) that Congress's attempts to pass pro-debtor laws were unpopular with farmers. c. demonstrated that the "Indians" were causing a problem in the West. Shays' Rebellion demonstrated that the government at the time was not able to protect property rights. D. It highlighted the need for revision of the Articles of Confederation. In 1786, Daniel Shays, a farmer and a veteran of the revolutionary war that created the United States, led an armed rebellion to protest the poverty of the people due to the high taxes and economic depression. the relationship between the national government and the states is called. had to say and what they believed. C) that Congress's attempts to pass pro-debtor laws were unpopular with farmers. b. the need for a stronger central government. Shays' Rebellion did not occur because the people felt that the national government was too large. Haiti. However, Shays's Rebellion contributed to a call for a general convention of the states. 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shays rebellion was significant because it demonstrated